How to Make Payment?

透过学生资讯系统(Online Resources)

学生资讯系统企业月供计划(Online Resources)

学费和杂费的帐单是通过学院的商务办公室协调的. Electronic payment reminders are periodically emailed to the student’s Great Bay Community College email account.

付款,或付款安排,必须在截止日期列出的 Registration Policies and Deadlines form. If payment, or arrangement for payment, is not made by the deadline, 学生可能受到行政处分. Students who register after the deadline have until end of business day to make payment arrangements and will remain responsible for tuition and fees.

Students awaiting scholarships or financial aid awards to cover tuition may request a deferred payment through the Business Office subject to the approval of the President. Students who have already registered should log into SIS to check their accounts and review any applicable financial aid.

发现,大来俱乐部,JCB, Visa,万事达卡,支票或现金可以作为支付方式.



Adult learners aged 65 and over and who are NH residents may enroll in credit courses at a tuition cost of 50% at Great Bay Community College 上课前两天 if space is available. 学术指导费和其他费用必须由学生支付. 所有非学分课程将收取全额学费和其他费用, enrichment, professional development, and recertification classes. 长者年龄证明表格(PDF)

以下条款包含在大学表格中, with areas for student signature, 表明他们了解自己的财务义务.

“I agree that by registering for courses within the Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH), 我有经济义务支付与注册课程相关的所有费用。. Upon a drop or withdrawal, I agree that I will be responsible for all charges as noted in the student catalog and handbook. 我进一步了解,如果我不支付全部款项, my account may be reported to the credit bureau and/or turned over to an outside collection agency. 我也同意支付任何催收公司的费用, 可按债务的百分比计算,最高可达35%, and all additional costs and expenses, including any protested check fees, 诉讼费和合理的律师费, 这将使我的账户余额增加大量费用.”

The Institutional Refund Policy for credit courses at GBCC allows a 100% refund of tuition and fees for courses dropped within a specific range of dates governed by the start date of each course. 在每个100%退款期结束后,将不再给予其他退款. These dates are posted every semester on the GBCC website, and will vary from semester to semester.

  • Students may request an exception to the Institutional Refund Policy due to extenuating circumstances which prohibited completion of course(s) in a given semester.
  • Requests must be submitted on the Tuition Adjustment Request Form with a written personal statement and any essential documentation to support the request (if applicable).  表格可以亲自或通过电子邮件从一站式索取.  [email protected]      
  • Students receiving financial aid should speak with a Financial Aid Counselor before submitting the petition as its approval could affect current and future financial aid awards.
  • Requests for refunds will NOT be considered for classes in which the student earned a grade (A-F, P/NP).
  • 学生必须正式退学或被行政退学(W,WP,WF,在提交请愿书之前从班级中退学.
  • 学生与学术有关的情况, 机构或入学问题可以填写学费和费用调整申请表.  请愿书将转交财政申诉委员会. 财政申诉委员会每两周开会一次.
  • 提交机构退款政策例外申请的截止日期
    • Fall 学期申请必须在次年4月1日前提交.
    • Spring 学期,在同年九月一日之前.
    • Summer 学期,在同年11月1日前.
  • Completed applications and supporting documentation should be submitted by e-mail or in-person to the One-Stop. [email protected]      
  • 没有证明文件的请愿书将不被接受.
  • Illness or injury of a nature that significantly impacted the ability to continue attending class
  • 学生作为主要照顾者的直系亲属患病或受伤
  • 直系亲属(配偶/伴侣)死亡, parent, child, grandchild, sibling, grandparent)
  • 军事部署/召服现役
  • 需要的,非自愿的工作时间表的变化
  • 对GBCC的退款政策和/或退课/退课截止日期缺乏了解.
  • 选择在不通知GBCC的情况下就读其他院校.
  • 学生在请求中获得该课程的分数
  • Letter from a licensed health care provider written on the provider’s letterhead containing the following information:
    • 导致学生无法上课的医疗状况的一般性质.
    • 引起该请求的病症出现的大致日期, 以及病情持续的时间.
    • 预计学生将能够恢复上课的日期.
  • 直系亲属死亡证明或讣告副本
  • Copy of military orders
  • 雇主出具的带有正式抬头的证明信 involuntary 雇佣变动有具体的日期,由主管签字并注明日期.

Completed applications and supporting documentation should be submitted by e-mail or in-person to the One-Stop.  [email protected]           

Students who wish to appeal the committee’s decision should do so in writing via email to the VPSSEM and/or the CAO.

[email protected]  
Tom Andruskevich
Chief Accounting Officer (CAO)

Students who officially withdraw from the college or an individual course by the end of the fourteenth (14th) calendar day of the semester will receive a 100% refund of tuition, less nonrefundable fees. Students in classes that meet in a format shorter than the traditional semester (15-16 weeks) will have seven (7) calendar days from the designated start of the class to withdraw for a full refund. If the seventh (7th) or fourteenth (14th日历上的某一天是周末或假日, 退费日期为周末或节假日后的第一个工作日. 退款可能需要两到四周的时间来处理. 如果学院取消课程,学费和学术指导费用将被退还. 

Exception: students in courses that meet for two weeks or fewer must drop by the end of the first day of the class in order to get a 100% refund.

注册非学分课程、工作坊或研讨会的学生必须通知商务部门 & Training Center in writing at least three days prior to the first session and submit a Drop Form to receive a refund minus all fees, if applicable. 如果学生使用信用卡/借记卡在线注册,则有7分.0% transaction fee and $1.99英镑的行政费用将从退款中扣除. 你可以通过现金支付或亲自到学校支付支票来避免这些费用. Students who cancel within 3 business days prior to the first session of class will not receive a refund.

Download a Drop Form

To Choose a Refund Method (Including Electronic Funds Transfer to your bank account or transfer to a reloadable pre-paid card such as GreenDot, Serve, etc.):



a)    When going into Enterprise for the first time you’ll be guided through some demographic info, 其中一些是自动从SIS转移过来的. If something is incorrect, please make a change in SIS before continuing or see a One Stop representative to correct your information.


4)    Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your profile and choose your refund method.



We strongly encourage you to sign up for the EFT/Direct Deposit process as it is dramatically faster and more secure. If you have any questions about this new process please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]

Students who withdraw from school before the 60% point in a semester will have to repay a portion or all their Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG grant, 以及联邦直接贷款给美国教育部. The exact amount required to be returned will vary depending on the amount of grant and loan money the student received and at what point in time the student withdraws from the College.

In addition, the student will be liable for the balance owed the College for tuition and fees. The student will receive a revised statement of account for the expenses incurred which will include the reduction and or loss of Federal Title IV funds.

选择从学院退学的学生必须填写学院退学表. This form must be signed by the student and various campus offices and then be returned to the Registrar’s office.

Nelnet Executive Statement PDF

For more information contact the Business Office by calling at 603-427-7600 x7526 or by Email at [email protected]